Having delivered the three authorities’ original joint strategy in 2012, we were appointed to deliver separate authority and overarching open space and PPS studies for the sub-region to support preparation of a joint Central Lancashire Local Plan. Key components included comprehensive facilities audits/reviews, needs assessment consultation, setting/applying locally derived provision standards covering quality, quantity and accessibility to provide an robust evidence to support development of planning policies to withstand scrutiny at public examination.
Overall, more than 800 site visits were conducted and the supply evaluation was supported by in-depth consultation with officers from the three commissioning authorities and the County Council. Also consulted, were key local partners and stakeholders, town and parish councils, schools, key community and interest-specific groups.
In 2022 we were re-commissioned to support strategic provision requirements as part of the emerging Local Plan process (including updates to reflect known changes). In addition to these two assignments, we completed Preston City Council’s Parks Strategy (2021) which was part of the basis for its successful levelling up bid and drafted a supplementary planning document (SPD) on developer contributions.