Mitigation strategies
NPPF paragraph 99 states that existing open space, sports and recreational buildings and land, including playing fields, should not be built on unless:
- An assessment has been undertaken which has clearly shown the open space, buildings or land to be surplus to requirements; or
- The loss resulting from the proposed development would be replaced by equivalent or better provision in terms of quantity and quality in a suitable location; or
- The development is for alternative sports and recreational provision, the needs for which clearly outweigh the loss.
Sport England will object to proposals that impact on current playing field land unless at least one of the five policy exceptions in its Playing Fields Policy is met. It will also, while not a statutory consultee, often object to developments affecting lapsed sites (i.e., those unused for sport for more than five years) if sufficient mitigation for the loss is not proposed.
KKP is the market leader in this work area. We review the PPS evidence base (where a PPS is in place) to identify requirements from a planning perspective, deliver consultation to determine stakeholder requirements, identify and scenario test mitigation options, calculate costs and determine appropriate contributions. The resulting report is then used to inform/support development proposals and underpin any future planning applications.
Clients include:
Solihull Council
South Tyneside Council
Stoke-on-Trent City Council
Homes England
Tamworth Borough Council
Sunderland City Council
Avison Young

Work for developers
Our playing pitch, non-pitch sports, indoor and built facilities and open spaces needs assessments, strategies and action plans and/or specifically commissioned local area needs assessments, are used to underpin funding applications and to secure developer contributions for new and improved facilities in a range of local authority areas.
The scope of this work is broad. We work with developers to assess the extent to which plans which involve development on currently designated open spaces, playing fields, golf courses and other forms of recreational provision are realistic and viable.
Clients include developers, housebuilders, specialist planning and environmental consultancies. We are also regularly commissioned to lead negotiations for developer contributions for existing and new sport and leisure venues.
We provide a robust assessment of need within the relevant locality to inform investment decisions aligned to new (often housing) developments and the alternative use of space. We also work with the developer and the relevant planning authority to determine scale, specification and to discuss issues associated with long-term operational and maintenance costs.
Clients include:
Anwyl Homes
Miller Homes
Wain Estates
Homes England
St Modwen Park
DPP Planning
Avison Young