KKP consultants offer best-in-class discipline-specific skills and knowledge plus extensive multi-sector experience. We consistently deliver in financially challenging, politically volatile and outcome-driven environments.
In addition to consultancy expertise, staff bring direct public and private sector work experience with local authorities, NGBs, Sport England, professional and grass roots sport and events agencies. Our clients stay because of the excellence of our work , our values and integrity and our justified reputation for innovation, straight-talking and quality.

John Eady BA (Hons) MSc MA
Chief Executive
KKP founder and driving force, John has 35+ years strategic management, business development, consultancy and research experience. He has built a wide ranging portfolio, supporting clients across the public, private, education and 3rd sectors.
He provides leadership and strategic direction across the spectrum. His depth of expertise means that he is regularly asked to manage complex or troubleshooting assignments and produce innovative, thought-provoking solutions. He is a leading authority on sports development and elite performance sport planning and evaluation.
An expert on governance and business effectiveness, John provides solutions for national sports agencies, NGBs, trusts and local authorities assisting them to ‘sweat assets’ and improve commercial, value for money and social outcomes based business focus. He is a strong advocate of effective use of management information to inform policy, impact evaluation and investment.
John has a first degree in physical education and sports science, an MSc in management science from Durham University Business School and is a qualified executive coach having gained his MA in coaching and mentoring from Oxford Brookes University.
Email: john.eady@kkp.co.uk
David McHendry BA (Hons)
Managing Director
David has 30+ years sport and leisure sector experience (24 in consultancy) and an excellent, well-rounded, highly informed perspective on the leisure sector. This draws on a career that encompasses strategic planning, service improvement, business planning, opening new and re-developing existing sports facilities.
His capacity to combine financial acuity with service delivery understanding and familiarity with what constitutes good performance makes him the ‘go to’ person for clients seeking to develop accurate realistic business plans, ensure sustainability and improve financial performance.
The Company lead on management options appraisals and procurement, David has assessed the right course of action for core service delivery on 20+ appraisals providing well informed business cases to justify subsequent change and investment; efficiency, effectiveness and value for money being key underpinning themes.
As KKP’s feasibilities and business planning specialist he advises local authorities, trusts, clubs and the higher education sector. His grasp of key issues and ability to generate accurate, flexible business plan and full life-cycle cost models is demonstrated by the range of multi-partner, cross-environment studies he has delivered.
David is both commercially minded and customer focused. His major facility management and development experience informs his business planning for capital development projects and revenue programmes designed to boost income generation.
Key work areas:
- Needs assessments and strategic planning
- Business quality improvement and performance
- Management options appraisals
- Externalisation, shared services and procurement
- Income generation and pricing policy
- Feasibilities & finance
Email: david.mchendry@kkp.co.uk
Claire Fallon BA (Hons)
Director/Principal Consultant
Claire, who has 20+ years consultancy experience with KKP, leads the team responsible for delivering KKP’s extensive portfolio of playing pitch audits, assessments and strategies (PPS) and other Sport England’s Active Environment Framework led activity.
Under her leadership, KKP has delivered more than 120 PPSs since adoption of the 2013 Guidance (which, working with Sport England and the five main pitch sport NGBs, she led) and she has unrivalled experience in this field .
In addition to supporting local authorities throughout the UK, Claire also oversees our work for commercial planning practices and developers. This public and private sector client base and the fact that KKP is trusted (by clients and Sport England) places her at the forefront of the industry.
Her project management and communication skills are excellent as is her ability to manage complex strategies and needs assessments via quality assured processes. Claire is often called upon by new and existing clients to evaluate existing plans, data and evidence, to identify changes, issues and gaps and to provide specific advice on future direction.
Key work areas:
- Playing pitch strategies
- Open space, sport and recreation studies
- Needs assessments
- Land use planning
Email: claire.fallon@kkp.co.uk
Chris MacFarlane BA (Hons), Dip TP
Director/Principal Consultant
Chris heads up the Company’s open/green spaces needs assessment and strategy portfolio which has, in recent years, had a key focus on the health and wellbeing benefits of open space and the potential to contribute to climate change resilience. He also leads on active travel-based studies and strategies and the evaluation of local minimum provision standards and developer contributions.
A first class planning and open/green spaces specialist, he is a member of the Royal Town Planning Institute and a Green Flag inspector. Now with KKP for 15+ years, he also manages the Company’s class-leading GIS team which provides catchment mapping to illustrate, for example, gaps in open space provision.
Prior to joining KKP, Chris worked for Groundwork on a strategy for community nature sites and on regional spatial planning in the North West where he supported the preparation and process of a Public Examination for the Draft North West Regional Spatial Strategy. Having volunteered as a Green Flag judge for the past 12 years he has also acquired valuable ‘hands on’ industry experience.
KKP makes full use of his contemporary understanding of legislation to ensure that all clients get the most relevant, applicable and up to date planning policy recommendations.
Key work areas:
- Open space, sport and recreation audit, assessment and strategies
- Parks strategies
- Walking, cycling and active travel audits and strategies
- Community consultation
- Town and spatial planning
Steven Wright BSc (Hons)
Director/Principal Consultant
Steven is KKP’s head playing pitch strategy specialist and is KKP’s lead consultant on mitigation studies and golf needs assessments.
Now with KKP for 10+ years, he combines his personal and professional experience working and participating in sport with his high-level analytical skills to provide an effective platform for his key role in the company.
A Coaching and Sports Development graduate from Manchester Metropolitan University he is an experienced amateur sportsman excelling in football, cricket and golf.
Steven is confident, highly motivated, and has excellent communication skills. Prior to joining KKP he held an internship position at Stoke City Football Club, allowing him to acquire knowledge and gain experience working within a professional sporting environment.
Steven also has an extensive background in customer services which underpins his skill building and maintaining excellent working relationships with clients, stakeholders, clubs and voluntary groups.
Key work areas:
- Playing pitch strategies
- Mitigation strategies
- Golf needs assessments
- Outdoor sports provision feasibility studies
Email: steve.wright@kkp.co.uk
Josie Atherton
Administration and Finance Manager
With a background of 35+ years in finance and administration mainly with construction companies, Josie heads up all aspects of KKP’s projects management, finance and general administration.
Along with the excellent organisational skills required for this role she is a finance specialist and she has, since starting with KKP, already updated Company financial processes, implemented new systems and streamlined business administration.
Josie also oversees KKP’s ISO 9001 certification process – part of which relates directly to ensuring that contracts are clear and that projects are delivered on budget and on time.
- Financial management
- Administration management
- ISO quality certification
Email: josie.atherton@kkp.co.uk
Andrew Fawkes BA (Hons) MBA
Principal Consultant
Andrew specialises in sport and physical activity strategies, sports facilities needs assessments/strategies, research and evaluation and business planning.
He has 20+ years senior experience in the sector working in a variety of national, regional and consultancy based roles and has developed an extensive network of trusted relationships across local authorities, leisure operators, NGBs and the voluntary sector.
He is a specialist in supporting local authorities to gain the full benefit of working through the principles of Sport England’s Strategic Outcomes Planning framework and this is accompanied by expertise in Facilities Planning Model based analysis.
Andrew has an excellent track record leading key programmes. Over the period from 2018-2020, he project managed delivery of KKPs contract to provide the FA with the 318 local football facility plans (one for each local authority in England) which are the cornerstone of the FA’s National Football Facility Strategy.
Before joining KKP in 2017, Andrew spent fifteen years at Sport England working at both national and local levels in the areas of strategic facilities planning, capital project development, sports facility design, procurement and management options appraisals, contributing to delivery of a number of major facilities including the National Taekwondo Centre, the National Basketball Centre and East Manchester Leisure Centre.
He has a BA (Hons) in Sport and Recreation Development from Leeds Metropolitan University and developed his knowledge base further via the completion of an MBA at Sheffield Hallam University in 2011. As part of this he undertook a qualitative based research project into knowledge transfer between the Rugby Football League and Sport England.
Key work areas:
- Sport, physical activity and wellbeing strategies
- Indoor and built sports facilities strategies
- Needs assessments and facility planning
- Feasibility studies
- Evaluations and appraisals
- FPM analysis
Email: andrew.fawkes@kkp.co.uk
Rachel Burke BA (Hons)
Principal Consultant
Rachel is a highly experienced sport/leisure practitioner who has 20+ years industry experience including eight with KKP. She is one of the Company’s key lead specialists delivering sports facilities strategies, feasibility studies and specialist evaluations. Her consultancy portfolio includes work for a wide range of local authorities, NGBs, universities and community sports organisations.
Her industry experience and development plan preparation background is extensive and provides an ideal backdrop for the range of projects upon which she works. Having completed a sports studies degree at Edge Hill University, she worked her way up through a range of roles for the Bolton Lads and Girls Club culminating in her becoming the operations manager for its sports facilities, services and its, very successful, inward investment programmes . As a result, in addition to her extensive consultancy background, she has extensive first hand knowledge and experience of sports clubs, community and sports development and facility management.
An outstanding and enthusiastic communicator, her approach is underpinned by in-depth knowledge and understanding of key players in the sector and the dynamics of the inter-relationships between them.
Key work areas:
- Indoor and built sports facilities strategies
- Needs assessments and facility planning
- Feasibility studies
- Specialist research
- Evaluations and appraisals
Email: rachel.burke@kkp.co.uk
Carmel Shaw BSc (Hons)
Senior Consultant
Carmel is a key member of our open spaces needs assessments and strategy team and is an expert in this field. Now in her seventh year at KKP, she has accumulated substantial experience working for a broad cross-section of clients. She has excellent communication and project management skills and demonstrates these through her work coordinating and delivering specialist site visit assessments plus stakeholder and partner engagement which is designed to gauge the strengths, weaknesses, quality and value of areas’ open space provision.
Her extensive contribution to the production of KKP’s open spaces needs assessments and strategies is underpinned by, and clearly demonstrates, her high level analytical and report writing skills.
Carmel graduated in geography from Lancaster University where, in addition to securing the Lancaster Award, was a geography mentor and undertook an internship at the Ministry of Justice. She effectively combines her personal and professional experience and her excellent bank of transferrable skills encompasses research, report preparation and presentations.
She has worked on a voluntary basis for numerous charities (including Oxfam, Save Children and the Make a Wish Foundation) as well as being a distribution and collection officer for Forever Living. An experienced semi-professional sportswoman, Carmel is confident, highly motivated, and has excellent communication skills. She plays football to a high level and takes part competitively in a range of other sports including badminton and korfball.
Key work areas:
- Open space, sport and recreation audits, needs assessments and strategies
- Database generation and management
- Community consultation
Email: carmel.shaw@kkp.co.uk
Jonathan Gaukroger BA (Hons)
Senior Consultant
One of the most highly rated and experienced specialist consultants in the industry, over his eight years at KKP Jonathan has built a first class national reputation delivering high quality PPS needs assessments and strategies for local authority and NGB clients.
Balancing experience, expertise and enthusiasm, he leads on a wide range assignments delivering supply and demand assessments, consultation and strategy development. His analytical expertise has come to the fore in database generation and improvement work – he was instrumental in the creation of the England Hockey National Facilities Strategy database and is currently leading on development of KKP’s innovative new national playing pitch facilities database. His work organisation is excellent and is accompanied by development of excellent client and partner relationships.
A key personal strength is his humour and perseverance; built upon his several successful years working in retail. His expertise is also enhanced by his prior role with Burnley FC where he worked as a facilities and accommodation officer developing strong customer relationship skills and understanding of a growing sports business.
Having been part of the first cohort of students which graduated from the UCFB – with a Degree in Football Business and Media – he has also acquired work experience in World famous footballing institutes, such as Wembley Stadium (and Turf Moor!) while volunteering at his local grassroots football club means that he fully understands the work done and pressure faced by grassroots clubs.
Key work areas:
- Playing pitch strategies
- Needs assessments
- NGB national facility strategies
- Community consultation
Email: jonathan.gaukroger@kkp.co.uk
Paul Barrett BSc (Hons) MA
Senior Consultant
In his eighth year with KKP, Paul is one of the companies most versatile consultants. He leads on open spaces needs assessments/strategies bringing to bear his specific expertise in active travel, play and community/village hall facilities and requirements. He also leads on sports facilities strategies and has become the Company’s leading authority on action sports provision.
He was a key member of the KKP team which delivered the FA National Facilities Strategy local football facilities plans where his excellent project management skills came to the fore. In this role he demonstrated the depth and thoroughness of his consultation and his high quality interpersonal skills, across all platforms to highlight sporting and community requirements.
Drawing upon his background in planning and research, he has a thorough knowledge of community sport and practical experience of the key drivers which generate participation across a variety of growth sectors. His project portfolio encompasses a wide range of sports facilities, play and open spaces strategies plus specialist research assignments.
Prior to joining KKP, he worked as a transport planner in the private and public sectors specialising in sustainable transport delivering projects ranging from car share programmes with NW businesses to promoting the national Safer Routes to School programme. He also worked as a sport development community manager at a school in North Manchester where he upgraded sports facilities and delivered a range of sports projects providing education and training for dis-engaged young people in the local community.
He is an executive member of his local athletics club and competes both regionally and nationally. He recently gained an MA in Sports Development at Manchester Metropolitan University.
Key work areas:
- Indoor and built sports facilities strategies
- Open spaces needs assessments and strategies
- Play strategies
- Action sports provision
- Specialist research
Email: paul.barrett@kkp.co.uk
Paul Hughes BA (Hons)
Senior Consultant
Paul is one of the most experienced specialist PPS consultants in the industry. Over his nine years at KKP, he has built a first class national reputation delivering high quality needs assessments and strategies for a wide range of local authority and NGB clients – developing and maintaining excellent working relationships with clients, stakeholders and clubs alike.
A sport and leisure management graduate from the University of Salford with specialist qualitative and quantitative research expertise alongside background as a semi-professional sportsman, Paul is confident, motivated, and has excellent communication skills. Actively involved in community club sport in rugby, football and cricket since a young age he has a wealth of knowledge and understanding of grass roots sport.
Prior to joining KKP, Paul worked as an event specialist in the leisure sector further enhancing his knowledge and experience of professional sport.
Key work areas:
- Playing pitch needs assessments and strategies
- National NGB facilities strategies
- Outdoor sports facility feasibility studies
- Community consultation
- Qualitative and quantitative research
Email: paul.hughes@kkp.co.uk
Tim Holdsworth BA (Hons)
Senior Consultant
A highly knowledgeable sports professional with 15+ years sector experience in his sixth year at KKP, Tim has specific expertise in sports facilities needs assessments/strategy, specialist evaluations, events and feasibility studies.
A specialist leading sector and community consultation processes, Tim was one of KKP’s lead staff delivering the FA National Facilities Strategy local football facility plans process.
Having completed a sports management degree at Nottingham Trent University, he began his career in 2008 at English Lacrosse where his initial role was co-ordination of the 2010 FIL World Lacrosse Championships. Prior to joining KKP he spent seven years in the mass participation events industry delivering large scale sporting events including the Asics Greater Manchester Marathon, Manchester Half Marathon, Cancer Research UK London Winter Run, Windsor Triathlon, Dragon Ride and Tour de Yorkshire.
His extensive experience building excellent working relationships with clients and stakeholders is enhanced by a background in client services which further enhanced his already excellent communication skills and problem solving capacity.
Key work areas:
- Sports facilities strategies
- Sport and physical activity strategies
- Needs assessments
- Feasibility studies
- Specialist research and evaluation
Email: tim.holdsworth@kkp.co.uk
Ben Robinson BSc (Hons) MSc
Now in his fourth year at KKP, Ben is a key member of the teams which deliver KKP’s needs assessments and strategies for playing pitches, outdoor and indoor sports facilities strategies, working for clients across the UK.
A specialist in data collection and analysis his expanding work portfolio is underpinned by his first-class honours degree in sports business management and his master’s degree (distinction) in international business management – both from Sheffield Hallam University.
Prior to joining KKP, he gained useful background having held various positions within sport including being a research consultant with the Sports Industry Research Centre and a project assistant on a health and wellbeing project with the Yorkshire Cricket Foundation. A former hockey and cricket player with a wide range of sporting interests, Ben has also worked as a volunteer at sporting events including the Lima 2019 Pan-American Games and the 2018 British Para Swimming Gala.
Key work areas.
- Needs assessments – playing pitches, indoor and outdoor sports facilities
- Data collection and analysis
- Research and consultation
Email: ben.robinson@kkp.co.uk
Chris Horner BSc (Hons) MSc
Chris is part of our indoor needs assessment and strategy teams. He is responsible for liaising with clients to better understands their needs and requirements for the facilities they use. In addition to his consultancy experience he brings direct operational background to the role having joined KKP from a facilities sports facilities management company.
He combined this with studying for his MSc in sport business, management and policy at Manchester Metropolitan University, where he was awarded a distinction grade. Prior to this, he achieved a first class honours degree in sport development and coaching from the University of Bolton during which time he was twice awarded the governor’s prize for effort and academic achievement.
Outside work, Chris is active in cricket, golf and five a side football. His experience as a participant paired with his practical work and educational background are valuable assets in his work at KKP.
Key work areas.
- Data collection and analysis
- Site evaluations
- Needs assessment reports – indoor and outdoor sports facilities
- Specialist research and consultation
Email: christopher.horner@kkp.co.uk
Hal Collinge BSc (Hons)
Hal is entering his third year at KKP. He works to support the teams delivering needs assessments and strategies for playing pitches, outdoor sports, golf needs assessments and mitigation strategies. He has already demonstrated his proficiency in data analysis and report preparation – making his contribution to KKP research assignments highly significant.
Hal attained a first-class honours degree in sports marketing management at Manchester Metropolitan University, having managed to combine his final-year studies with his marathon training. He has aligned team captaincy, degree course module leadership and event volunteering experience with experience working in customer-facing hospitality and retail environments. This is combined with a strong personal interest in the promotion of women’s sport – all leaving him perfectly place for his role with KKP.
Key work areas.
- Needs assessments – playing pitch and outdoor sports needs assessments and strategies
- Consultation
- Data analysis and report writing
Email: hal.collinge@kkp.co.uk
Jazz White BSc (Hons)
Now entering her third year at KKP, Jazz is an integral member of our needs assessment and strategy teams. A prolific researcher and report writer, she has worked on a variety of playing pitch, outdoor and indoor sports facilities strategies plus sport specific specialist assignment projects across the Country.
Her experience prior to joining the Company includes running and supporting Manchester City Council led events in a range of different sports including swimming, powerlifting and athletics. In the process, she has also obtained personal training and strength and conditioning qualifications – all of which add to the breadth of the platform for her work at KKP.
Jazz has a degree in sport management at Manchester Metropolitan University (where she was also her course representative). During this time she also volunteered at numerous sporting events notably the World and European Taekwondo championships and supported various UK Athletics events at the Alexander Stadium.
Key work areas.
- Needs assessments – playing pitch strategies, indoor & outdoor sports facilities
- Specialist research projects
- Data collection and analysis
- Specialist research and consultation
Email: jazz.white@kkp.co.uk
Sam Smith
Now in her eighth year with KKP, Sam provides project and research support across KKP’s full project portfolio, in particular PPS assignments and related specialist projects. Key roles include providing background research to establish the right context for key studies, consultation with a diverse range of stakeholders, coordinating and undertaking site audit assessments and producing needs assessment and strategy reports.
When in her starting role at KKP, Sam undertook in excess of 1,500 assessments each year utilising the Sport England non-technical site assessment guidance. She is, thus, one of the most experienced site assessors in the industry. Her expertise extends to effective information gathering from key users, grounds maintenance staff and regularly working with regional pitch advisors to check and challenge assessments – linking to the FA Pitch Improvement Programme within the action planning stages. All this means that the playing pitch and outdoor sports needs assessments that she now project manages reflect the broadest possible subject matter understanding.
Her success at the Company builds upon experience acquired before she joined KKP. Having completed an apprenticeship as a sport youth worker Sam moved up to become a sport lead officer at the Bolton Lads and Girls Club. This involved the preparation of sport plans alongside the conduct of a range of operational management duties.
Sam has a longstanding and specific interest in grass roots football development and holds a range of qualifications from football coaching badges to a level 3 NVQ diploma in delivery of physical education and school sport and an NVQ certificate in activity leadership. She also played football to a semi-professional standard at Bury Ladies FC prior to retiring from the game due to injury.
Key work areas:
- Playing pitch and outdoor sports needs assessments and strategies
- Data collection, input, and analysis
- Site audit assessments
- Stakeholder and community consultation
Email: sam.smith@kkp.co.uk
Daniel Fox BSc (Hons)
Research Consultant
Dan is part of the team which delivers KKP’s extensive playing pitch, indoor and outdoor sports facilities needs assessment/strategy portfolios. Applying experience gained by virtue of his work in sport and leisure for local authorities including Sheffield City Council and Northeast Derbyshire, he brings excellent understanding of the needs of communities and clubs and how facilities operate – enabling him to achieve optimum results in the interest of all parties involved.
Having graduated with a first class honours degree in sport development with coaching from Sheffield Hallam University, Dan has excellent knowledge of a wide variety of sports. Having gained FA qualifications, he has coached for Sheffield FC and plays football, rugby, golf, and Gaelic football. His adaptability brings additional strength to KKP’s work in this field and this understanding is further enhanced by the variety of places in which he has lived and worked.
His research skills are enhanced by his background working in hospitality which has given him additional interpersonal skills which are put to good use ‘in the field’ enabling him to deliver high quality insight.
Key work areas:
- Playing pitch and outdoor sports needs assessments and strategies
- Data collection, input, and analysis
- Site audit assessments
- Community consultation
Email: daniel.fox@kkp.co.uk
Jordan Young BA (Hons) MSc
Research Consultant
Jordan joined KKP in October 2022 to work with our playing pitch and outdoor sports needs assessment and strategy teams. He is responsible for site evaluations and consulting clients to better understand their needs and requirements. He makes extensive use of his background to collect and analyse the data that informs our playing pitch strategies.
Prior to joining KKP, he worked as a response police officer in Lancashire during which time he developed his research and analytical capabilities which he now uses to synthesise information when consulting clients.
Jordan has a master’s degree in business analytics and a first-class honours in business and marketing from Manchester Metropolitan University. During his first degree he completed a 3-month internship at Tempest Sports in China working with and alongside members of the Chinese National Basketball team. An avid Arsenal supporter, he has played grassroots football all his life and is now building upon his sporting knowledge and passion to inform KKP’s work on outdoor and pitch sports across the country.
Key work areas:
- Data collection and analysis – open spaces, playing pitches and outdoor sports
- Site evaluations
- Needs assessment reports – playing pitches, indoor and outdoor sports facilities
- Specialist consultation
Email: jordan.young@kkp.co.uk
Michael Kane BSc (Hons)
Research Consultant
Michael works in the KKP team delivering needs assessments audits and reports for its playing pitch, indoor and outdoor sports facilities strategy portfolios. Current/previous local authority needs assessment/strategy clients – for PPS needs assessments and strategies include North Hertfordshire, East Hertfordshire, Wigan, Oldham and North Yorkshire in addition to which he has been supporting colleagues to deliver local football facilities plans for, amongst others, Trafford and Salford.
Prior to joining KKP, Michael held various management positions overseeing some of Liverpool’s busiest hospitality venues. This extensive experience equipped him with strong leadership, organisational and interpersonal skills. Based on his interest in sport and health, Michael decided to part ways with the hospitality sector and pursue a degree in Sport & Exercise Science at Manchester Metropolitan University where he gained a first-class honours degree. While there, he gained extra qualifications in disciplines as varied as advanced Excel spreadsheet techniques and mental health awareness. Coupled with his keen eye for detail and a knack for great quality research, his specific skill set makes him an ideal candidate for this role.
He plays/has played a wide range of sports including, but not limited to, basketball and Gaelic football – at a range of levels. This versatility offers enhances his capacity to deliver all aspects of his work at KKP. Michael still plays grassroots football in Liverpool, giving him an excellent user perspective and broad knowledge of football pitches in and surrounding the City.
Specialist areas:
- Data collection, input, and analysis
- Site audit assessments
- Local authority sports provision
- Community consultation
- Playing pitch and outdoor sport strategies
- Needs assessments
Email: michael.kane@kkp.co.uk
Will Stewart BSc (Hons)
Research Consultant
Will works in the KKP team delivering needs assessments for its playing pitch, indoor and outdoor sports facilities strategy portfolios. Current/previous local authority needs assessment/strategy clients – for PPS and/or indoor and built sports facilities needs assessments and strategies include Breckland, Castle Point, Thurrock, North Yorkshire and the combined authorities’ assignment for Stevenage, East Hertfordshire and North Hertfordshire.
He joined KKP having graduated with a first-class honours degree in sports development with coaching from Sheffield Hallam University. While at university, he conducted research in partnership with Sheffield City Trust to research the impact of leisure facilities on children’s participation in physical activity, and emphasising the need for accessible opportunities in sport. This project deepened his understanding of leisure facility operations, while enhancing his research, presentation, and communication skills.
Will also brings prior ‘hands-on’ experience working for Sheffield City Trust. There he gained invaluable understanding of facility standards and operations and practical industry knowledge. Before this, roles in retail strengthened his communication, teamwork, and leadership skills, equipping him to collaborate effectively with a range of parties.
His wide range of personal sporting interests also enable him to deliver quality insight into a wide range of sports.
Specialist areas:
- Local authority sports provision
- Data collection, input, and analysis
- Site audit assessments
- Community consultation
- Playing pitch, indoor and outdoor sport strategies
- Needs assessments
Email: will.stewart@kkp.co.uk
Janet Reed
GIS/ICT Manager
With 20+ years at KKP, Janet is a leading expert on database development and geographic information systems (GIS). She also runs our online survey and GIS mapping functions which inform and underpin projects across our wide-ranging portfolio of general and specialist research studies. She is highly effective at bringing data to life and using it to combine/illustrate a wide range of techniques and provide contextual understanding that can be absent from numbers alone.
In addition, she delivers directly commissioned bespoke mapping projects for clients. This is perhaps best illustrated by the extensive mapping work undertaken to illustrate the findings of Sport NI’s Active Communities programme and her creation of the Wales National Natural Facilities Database and online mapping tool.
As a technical expert and industry specialist, Janet manipulates raw data in a variety of forms to get the most from information gathered utilising MapInfo, E-Spatial, Tableau and other software to provide a range of services and thereby enhance interpretation and understanding of responses, data, networks and relationships.
More recently this has extended to the use of a number of software packages designed to emulate GIS functionality; KKP’s clients are increasingly being availed of mapping solutions that place GIS style functionality at their own fingertips without the need for expensive software or specialist training. Clients for this include the Football Association, Sport Wales and Sport Northern Ireland.
Key work areas:
- On-line surveys – creation and analysis (in SNAP)
- Database development, data processing and analysis
- Projects logistics
- GIS: Mapinfo
- E-spatial & Tableau
Email: janet.reed@kkp.co.uk
Adam Jones BTEC ITQ
Senior GIS/ICT Consultant
Adam has worked at KKP for 10+ years and is an integral part of the Company’s ICT and consultancy project delivery team. Having started at KKP as an apprentice he now supports all forms of GIS work and processes and is responsible for auditing and updating KKP’s extensive GIS archive.
Over his apprenticeship period he acquired his Advanced Apprenticeship in IT User Skills Level 3 and BTEC Level 3 Diploma in IT User Skills (ITQ). Already a very strong practitioner, he is presently studying for a BSc in Computer Science at the University of London.
He brings a wide ranging background to his role with the Company having worked in IT for employers as varied as Royal Mail, Barnardos and the Bolton Library Service
He is a strong team player and, because of his ability to interpret and diagnose problems, has become the Company ‘go to’ person when specific processes need to be revised or designed.
In addition to his commitment at KKP, Adam is involved in volunteer work with the Red Cross, for V-Inspired’s Greater Manchester Youth Network, for Bolton’s Bully Free Zone and with the Royal Voluntary Service.
Key work areas:
- Database development/improvement
- E-spatial & Tableau
- Mapinfo
- Data processing and analysis
Email: adam.jones@kkp.co.uk
John Bradford BSc (Hons)
GIS Specialist
An experienced computer systems analyst and programmer, and a veteran of 15+ years at KKP, John provides mapping and database support across a range of projects. He is responsible for developing and improving our analytical systems and processes, and for making the end product progressively more user friendly for our local authority and NGB clients.
During the period when KKP managed Sport England’s Community Sports Development Programme, he created the information system used by NGBs and county sports partnerships to track accredited clubs and map the progress of the scheme as a whole.
A key member of KKP’s GIS/IT team, he works on and improves many of the projects and databases that support KKP’s playing PPS, indoor/outdoor sports facilities strategies and open spaces assignments. He is presently, with colleagues, building KKP’s upcoming multi-authority informed playing pitch facilities database.
After qualifying with a degree in computing from UMIST and prior to joining KKP, John worked as an IT consultant for a range of national and international clients including Sky, Lloyds Bank, Astra-Zeneca and the Government of Malta, primarily developing and supporting database management systems.
Key work areas:
- Data processing, analysis and programme development
- Database development and support
- Local area demographic and service reach appraisals
- Geographic information systems (GIS)
- Mapinfo
- E-spatial
Email: john.bradford@kkp.co.uk
Farheen Siddiqui BE (Hons)
Software Development Consultant
Farheen is an ICT and data analysis specialist who joined KKP specifically to work on the Company’s playing pitch needs assessment and strategy database development. She will delivering related systems improvement and substantially increasing the quality and capacity of KKP’s work in this field.
A graduate in computer engineering from Mumbai University, Farheen is currently also studying for a master’s in software engineering from the University of Bolton. Prior to this, she worked as a technical lead for Citius Tech Healthcare Private Ltd. She is adept at all aspects of end-to-end software design and development and brings to KKP experience of working on a varied portfolio of software applications.
A cricket enthusiast, Farheen enjoys computer programming and problem solving. Her expertise in modern software design tools, techniques and processes has significantly strengthened KKP’s overall ability to provide innovative, bespoke software-based products and solutions to our clients.
Key work areas.
- Systems analysis / end-user requirements gathering
- Database development, testing, implementation, and support
- API development
- Software tools development
Email: farheen.siddiqui@kkp.co.uk
Donna Hough
Senior Administrator
Donna joined KKP November 2023 to work in its administration team. She brings 28 years’ experience of senior administrative roles in manufacturing, the Police & retail accompanied by a wealth of knowledge of all forms of office support. In addition to her excellent organisation skills she is a specialist in document & data management.
She has a European Computer Driving Licence & NVQ in Administration and is well equipped to deliver the key information management, scheduling and organisational support roles needed to support KKP’s consultants and her administration team colleagues.
Key work areas.
- Client database management
- Procurement support
- Project management support and scheduling
- Telephone research
Email: donna.hough@kkp.co.uk
Janine Holt
Janine joined KKP’s administration team in 2023 bringing 18 years’ experience of roles in transport and logistics and a wealth of knowledge customer service, project management and general office support.
Prior to this she worked in a school as a deputy manager delivering a broad range of interesting, inviting and age-appropriate activities for children. With qualifications in customer service, leisure and tourism and teaching, she is supporting Company administrative and research functions underpinned by her personal interest in swimming, walking and going to the gym.
Key work areas.
- Client database management
- Procurement support
- Project scheduling and management support
- Telephone research
Email: janine.holt@kkp.co.uk