Having delivered Wandsworth’s Open Space Study we were commissioned to produce its PPS. Wandsworth has significant levels of sporting participation and demand and the process captured data for 81 playing pitch sites with 166 pitches and servicing over 400 teams.
Key shortfalls for all main pitch sports were identified. Issues include balancing formal sporting use of the limited number of public open spaces with ongoing maintenance and wider public use as well as protecting and nurturing biodiversity around wetland areas. It identified how the standard of contracted maintenance works affects pitch quality in the Council-owned portfolio.
Cross-boundary demand, strong inter-borough connectivity, planning considerations related to Metropolitan Open Land and a range of other factors make both supply and demand assessment in London more complex. The extent of demand exported to other boroughs due to the inability of Wandsworth’s facility stock to sufficiently meet demand was a critical issue
The PPS sets out overarching recommendations and priority projects. A key requirement is 3G/artificial grass pitch development, the need for floodlights at many venues and the direct focus on realistically deliverable projects. Essential to this is maximising use of limited spaces for many sports and the value of multi-sport co-ordination to make the best and most strategic use of facilities.
Our PPS was produced in full accordance with Sport England guidance and was completed on time and to budget. It is considered by Sport England to be an example of good practice, has so far received strong support from steering group stakeholders and fully meets the requirements of NGBs, such as London FA, the ECB, Surrey Cricket Board, RFU, LTA, England Hockey and the Football Foundation.