Case studies

Sport Ireland – Review of the Ireland International Carding Scheme

This Scheme accounts for c. 25% of Sport Ireland’s investment in high performance sport. Our review provided a framework for scheme transition to delivery via NGBs which have a Sport Ireland funded high performance plan and presented a range of recommendations to apply across a variety of sports. Other key changes included adjustment, over time, of the individual bands based on athlete need, simplification of eligibility criteria with a stronger emphasis on Olympic and Paralympic performance and supported athlete commitment to a ‘social contract’.

The intention, which has been progressively realised since review publication, was that Scheme management and administration will become a seamless part of the performance plan of each sport with Sport Ireland adopting a new monitoring and evaluation function. The CEO of Sport Ireland noted that ‘the review is comprehensive and accurately reflects the many opinions sought. It sets out a roadmap for the future of the Scheme which will see it change while retaining the key principle of direct athlete support’.