Client: Welsh Government
Project: Review of Elite Performance Sport Facilities & Services
An in-depth review evaluating provision for and investment in elite/performance sport facilities for all main Welsh NGB programmes. Concurrently we assessed where/how performance and community provision can be combined via, for example, improved strength/conditioning, programming and related factors.
It incorporated extensive consultation with Government, NGBs, local authorities, in-house and trust operators, universities, Sport Wales/the Institute, CEOs, PDs, coaches and athletes was accompanied by an athlete and NGB survey to assess value, impact and outcomes. Recommendations covered four primary investment areas:
- Facility provision to support the training needs of elite/talent pathway based Welsh athletes.
- Allocating athlete services across facilities to reflect concentration, specialist sport requirements, strength and conditioning, sports science and sports medicine provision.
- Venues to enable major sporting events to be targeted/brought to Wales.
- Addressing the requirements to bid to host a Commonwealth Games in Wales.
KKP delivered a (2022) follow-up to update the audit and strategy; for Sport Wales.